The best seat to catch my drama

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Starting all over again...

Another attempt to blog consistently:

One of my profs told us that, if we’re hating in the general direction of papers, we should write about why they’re hard to write.  My only problem with this is that my current paper of damnation is SO intangible, I’m lost.  That said, I’ll start it later.

School’s been good – I’ve been playing below my potential (I know, I should actually try once in awhile), but I’m pumping it up this summer.  I get to class with the AU version of Cullather, which should/will be awesome.  And I might have a new internship to play with, and I’m going to see if some tour company will let me be a tour guide downtown.  And I fully intend to finish reading books, write something fun, revise and add to this paper I wrote last year (my ticket to the LOC manuscript collection)…basically a bit too much for any human to actually do.  BUT it’ll beat bumming around wondering why I don’t have friends here.

At some point, I will just get over myself and go make myself a community.  Right now, I’m floundering between insecurity and feeling under-qualified for the people I meet.  Over-qualified for the positions I look at, but under-qualified for friendship.  Oh well.  

AND I’ve been filling my days with probably too much Gilmore girls, some time in RP-land (I’m up to three characters, pending the approval of my newest), and playing gym.  And singing, as much as I can get away with.  I’ve got to find a real channel for that, something that’s more “the director is right” than church (which seems often directed by majority, which makes me CRAZY).  Church, though, is really good.  I love it there.  We have amazing preachers/preists/deacons/etc, and I really need to get my game on there too.  I could have a whole family, if I wasn’t so…timid?  Shy?  Insecure?  

And now I shall report to the gym, then make a pretty, big, full-sentence outline of the two papers I probably won’t start til tomorrow.

OH, and I won Treasurer of my class.  Look at me: little miss student government.


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