The best seat to catch my drama

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Consider this the official merger of my two blogs. From now hence, I will cross post to this and to livejournal (well, sometimes), whenever I deem it necessary to post something.

First, a review of life without a keyboarded instrument:

It is amazing how easy it is to sing wicked high when you don’t know how high you’re singing. I’ve been working on some new arias (in hopes of auditioning for some not-my-church ensembles next semester), and the fast, little teeny high notes are totally not hard (ok, they’re hard when I’m with the music and the guitar, but they’re surprisingly easy with the awesome recordings I’ve procured). I guess it’s all just in my head, these high notes are. Oh Emily, you were always right. I’m still pursuing this impossible dream of cheap and reasonable keyboard, though. Guitar kind of sucks for not-guitar stuff.

I bought modge podge today in hopes of creating…school is just really intense. There’s approx 150 pages a week of reading for 2 of my classes (the third one is a combo intro to stats/intro to econ class that just seems so done already), which doesn’t sound like a lot until you start reading Hobbes and decide that he obviously doesn’t believe in standardization of language or punctuation. I wonder if, like Dickens with words, Hobbes was paid by the comma... It’s hard to be awesome and harder if you, god forbid, fall behind.

I’ve been digging walking everywhere recently, except I have brutally destroyed my feet. I have so many blisters, scabs, etc on them that shoes are not my friends right now. Oh well. Oh, and my adorable ipod shuff decided it was going to have issues, so I have to take it to the mac doctor to get it fixed, so I can’t even listen to music…sob.

So weird thing: when I’m sick(or just allergied...I don't do sick well), I put a hiatus on eating food. I had like a cup of vegetable stew today and that was all. Nutritious? Yes. Energy giving? Probably for only like an hour. Strange.



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