The best seat to catch my drama

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Un vent petit

  1. DCFC in Rolling Stone for two successive weeks:  Very good.  VERY bad that they compared their success, based on awesomeness, with the success of Napoleon Dynamite (which I would prefer to define as a Suck-cess).  Basically, mad props for writing lyrics and making music that is appealing in its intimacy and complete in its sentence structure (unlike ND which barely deserves a title and which people only like because they think it’s artsy and stuff even though it’s just a bunch of stupidity and lacking anything personable at all).

  1. Noon not being in the middle of the day:  People call noon midday, when, in fact, very few people get their 8 hours between 8 pm and 4 am.  Noon does not evenly divide the waking day into even parts, which makes me wonder why we even put noon where it is.  I mean, why do people stay up later rather than get up earlier?  Would life feel more balanced if hung evenly on midnight?  That too…if it is, in fact, the middle of the night, why am I always awake for it?  Why do we live in such an anti-early morning world?

  1. Chipotle: What a dumb idea.  Chains usually look like chains, but stupid McD’s decided they wanted to make a chain restaurant maraud as a local restaurant so they could capitalize on the type of people who support local establishments.  DUMB!  Admit that you’re a chain!  Say it!  Show it!  Don’t pretend to represent a non-main-stream less capitalist culture!  (nothing against main-stream capitalist culture, I just think it should be honest about what it is).

  1. Weeds: Mad props to Showtime for making that show.  I can’t wait for the DVDs, because my free Showtime is almost up.  Anyhow, yeah, great show about pseudo-utopia and drugs.


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