About start Nanowrimo AND about to start blogging my readings for my alumni audit class a la masterworktheory.blogspot.com.
Writing a bunch is clearly on the menu.
That's all!
The best seat to catch my drama
About start Nanowrimo AND about to start blogging my readings for my alumni audit class a la masterworktheory.blogspot.com.
Jamming out to Girl Talk
Ah, the joys of being overly sensitive and feeling real guilt for not doing something perfectly. Case in point today:
Hey, look, a place where I'm smart on the internet
Current books: Thomas More Utopia, Richard Adams Watership Down
So, I was indulging one of my lamer whims and reading personal ads (seriously, I think it's fascinating how people present themselves, how they describe their ideal mate, and how you can tell how often they try to sell themselves into mated life by how overdone their ad is), and I found one who actually sounds like someone I could have conversation with:
I haven’t figured out why, but over the years (years!), I’ve found myself, on an alarmingly regular basis, asked if I am someone I am not, assumed to be a frequent visitor at places I rarely visit, and told the entirety of life stories. People seem to think they know me.
I went to the career center yesterday (I’ve been maybe 4 times this year), and someone called me out for being a frequent visitor. Not only have I never interacted with him before, but I also really don’t hang out there. I wonder who does, and who I’m being perceived as. I wonder if my interactions will bode well for them later.
And people mistake me for their friends from home, their siblings’ friends, friends’ siblings, someone very familiar but not close to them, etc., etc. I get called different names and told that I’m so much like x person, and am I sure I don’t have a sister (yes, unless there’s something my parents aren’t telling me). This comes from peers, people younger than me, and people older than me from geographical locations worldwide.
And then I get the life stories. At the bus stop, in stores, from concierges, security guards, etc. The ones I solicit for conversation are the stories I expect, but some will just tell me. Everything. Tragic things, hopeful things, regrets, reforms. They will advise me (that I should be a good Christian girl, that prostitution (!?!) is not what I should be doing with my life), try to feed me, invite me over for tea, try to invite themselves over for *cough* other things. One time, in
Because familiar is what I am. I never wanted to be ‘familiar’ or so average that people think I’m someone else. But I like that I can be transient and just be a temporal construct in people’s lives. I guess.