The best seat to catch my drama

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hoosier Cafe

I just had the most pathetic pang of nostalgia for Hoosier Cafe and Ghettobucks. 

It's just one of the many things that IU has that AU lacks - a big old room with actually ok coffee (With the exception of the Dav, AU has pretty sucky coffee.  Dav is AWESOME) and a piano in a dorm, so you can run into people.  MISS IT. 

Also miss the quiet room in the Union with the fireplace.  I'll totally be there ALL christmas break so look for me.

I miss IU.  I'm feeling some serious homesickness right now.  Oh well.  Should get back to studying.  AND course names here are soooo inferior to IU course names.  Really. 

Done complaining.  Merry Halloween weekend!  (As I go back to studying...what halloween?)

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